18:06 | Label: Ninja Saga
▓InDonesian Version▓
Saya baru menemukan cheat untuk Part 2 Chapter 2, sebenarnya cheat ini sudah lama tapi masih work. Hmmmm sebenarnya kalau kita ngecheat Pada ujian ini jadi nggak seru ujian nya tapi bagi anda2 yang sudah frustasi dengan ujian ini langsung saja lihat di bawah tata caranya ...
Peralatan :
Cheat Engine ( All versi )
Mozilla Firefox Or Google chrome
Cara Penggunaan :
1. Buka Facebookmu Dan Login
2. Masuk Ninja Saga
3. Masuk ke Misi spesial Jounin Stage 2 chapter 2
4. Baru Buka Cheat engine --> Proses menggunakan Plugin Container / Browsermu --> Baru Pilih Text
5. Scan "mission_206" [ tanpa tanda kutip ]
6. Double klik addres yang Keluar
7. Baru Ubah Valuenya Menjadi "mission_124"
8. Dan lihat hasil Misi Ujiannya menjadi Misi dummy
Good Luck !!
▓English Version▓
I've found a cheat for Part 2 Chapter 2, actually this cheat is old but still work. Hmmmm fact if we ngecheat In this exam so its not exciting but for anda2 exams that have been frustrated by this exam just look at the bottom of procedures ...
Cheat Engine (All versions)
Mozilla Firefox Or Google chrome
How To Use:
1. Open Facebookmu And Login
2. Login Ninja Saga
3. Go to Special Jounin Mission Stage 2 chapter 2
4. New Open Cheat engine -> The process of using the Plugin Container / browser -> New Select Text
5. Scan "mission_206" [no quotes]
6. Double click the Exit address
7. New Change Valuenya Being "mission_124"
8. And see the results of his examination into Mission Mission dummy
Good Luck!
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